story: oh no... i feared this. the mods have been taken over the galaxy. they have better technology than us. they are too op. the fights get to much of destruction. we need to fight back. by posting your vanilla ships we might win. this area of cosmos is now restricted for the modded vessels. they get everything to unbalanced. all fights we have against them. it gets too unbalanced with their higher tier tech. are you with me ship builders. post all your vanilla ship ideas here and we make a modded restricted area and make an army to strike back. we need many ships to destroy the op ships. lets fight back before the mods make tech so advanced that they only need to place down one part and bam. its a ship. this cant happen. post all your ships now. join the "vanillas"
mods vs vanilla
no modded vessels here. everyone is posting modded vessels. and i think that the modded vessels are always killing the vanilla. post ship ideas here.