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Feel free to obtain these ships and it will require to have abh mod in order to work and
maybe the extra decal mod plus the star wars mod as well.





With the influence of the wrath of khan, I can recreate a crippled USS Reliant.
And plus the excelsior class NCC-2000 and Enterprise-B NCC-1701

Here's a screen shot

whats the abh mod ???

    A mod which has star trek add-ons.

    Walt lol

      7 months later

      Walt by any chance can I be promoted to master ship designer here's some of my ships GO HERE

      z-0ne ABH mod has the addons with star trek

        QuantumRK im a person that likes your ships cant you tell

          QuantumRK and I also build ships harder than just triangles

            Dano-Duncan excuse me? you my friend build circles with 2 rectangles...i build ships that are 10 times the size of yours with 10 times the amount of detail, and for your information a lot of my "triangles" look better than yours. you have been put in your place now stay there

            QuantumRK sure. at least we care about my community we both put a lot of work in our stuff at least I still can laugh at ships that look like dicks



            whoah whoah whoah..... really, really ik this isn't my place to say but was there any need for any of this insults or anything you are both excellent at building just because you build bigger DOESNT MEAN it iS t better, you are both equally talented with different rages of experience

            nathank21 not being funny but this shit died 2 days ago...youre bringing it back

            QuantumRK it was never stopped and is still out of order...?

            Dano-Duncan dunno if that was sarcasm or not ? sounds like it

            nathank21 yep