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GamerX69 happy birthday!

    but Zerg, why is it an ammo box when it needs like 4 boxes to shoot and

      i dont have birthday today i have it on the 28th

        oh wait im stupid
        i meant that the SC2 mod is when my mom and i are on a cat show


          zerg do you have discord, if so can you make a bloodcult channel at your original post

            The mod has his own discord server.
            everything will be announced there.

              it sais its invalid or expired

                ClassicJam yas the YuuZang Vong it does.

                you should add an ion beam imitator and it should be called 'the cults wrath'
                riply if if you like it.

                i like it. maybe i will do somethink like that.

                here is my ship on blood cult mod its called the blood box


                the reactor line is for a weakness

                  Hey ZergRush guess who.

                  i will put it in my blood fleet discussion it looks epic

                  pls give me the sc2 mod