Blood Cult mod v1.6(Killing grounds update)
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jeez how heavy are blood shells now its like insanely hard to reload with the hunter (even tho is sucks on shields)
tho im really going to like the new update!, when will you get dark blood stuff? (you dont need to make it but would make it better )
The next update. It will bring the dark blood and the burst gun.
cool, here and i guess you miss spelled artillery or something on one of your ships?
Blood Sucker
for now it does not have a blood beam so it looks like this
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Blood scout(forgot to paint )
you should totally make a decor for the mod like a 1x1 for small ships and 2x2 with normal ships and 3x3 for big ships and 4x4 for capital ships!
Dame it. Ok i will fix it
The Musquito
Boi just u wait and i is send ya some sexy ships, stay dank m8's
Doge420GoodGuy I said it, i built it, i show it
one of many Blood gods incarnations
Nathaniel, blood gods "Demonic Prelate".
The one and only, made from the remains of the enemies of the blood cult, torture chamber. (you would rather want to be sent to syberia without clothes than into this thing)
Also, may i ask you mr zerg rush, when SC2 will come in to place
After the next update
more blood cult items please zerg rush
Promethean4 more blood cult items please zerg rush
he is working on it Promethean4
some time after the next update i will start a second the updates will not come so fast as they do now.
i have a suggestion, this mod has very much so work on it less, and estabilish balance between the EPIC SC2 MOD and the LESS BUT STILL EPIC BLOOD CULT MOD. thats just a suggestion, but i cant wait for the sc2 weapons
i dont think i understood your suggestion.
you want me to combine the sc2 mod with this?
zergRush99 What ill be the second mod?.. Or you still don't know yet?