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nathank21 (Don't worry, I have heard about every one of those ships... and what I said earlier was supposed to be a joke...)

ImTired yeah I just didn't know if you have heard of them and I thought it might be a joke but emotion Is hard to convey in a message

nathank21 (That is true.)

    ImTired whats with the brackets.... you doing python ;0

    nathank21 (No, this is to indicate that it is off-topic from the main post...)

      ImTired oh.. way to spoil my fun

      nathank21 (that's his job)

        Super star destroyer????

        here is a mega class star dreadnought:



          it comes built in with 2 star destroyers, and costs 38 million credits.

            11 days later

            Cosmicdestroyer there has been another supremacy made by someone on the star wars sub NOT ME and I cant remember who made it sorry x but this is what he did

            Here's a ISD-esqe ship crammed with weapons and shields.


            It's 362x204 blocks from the widest and longest points.

            G4L4XY Oh no... not him... I thought I had finally forgotten about him until you had to say his name...

            ImTired Run! Sammy's coming for you now!

            G4L4XY What? xD???

            21 days later

            G4L4XY yeahhhhh him XD

              8 days later

              darkassasin9998 a little space ship



                  RedAndCosmoteer its a battle ship v1 not a dreadnought and i must buld biger and its not finish

                    nathank21 The lusankya is the same type of ship as the executor that really annoyed me oof