- Edited
Example Mod+
These series of mods are build to work with Walts "Example mod" that is used to give a guide on how to make your own mod (can be found here > C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer\Standard Mods) I would highly suggest reading through it to get more information on what does what, but this helps cut down that information into more direct examples.
Currently I am going through the easiest things that require little work, however do plan to expand into showing the basics of adding your own parts tab, weapons of all types (yes probably roof as well), amour, shields, and more. Hopefully I can get the help of other mod makers to make this process a little easier and so more information can be given on what does what and what happens when you change them.
Hopes for this is to get it working in 1.0 when that comes out and with the influx of new players hopefully help those who want to get into modding but might not know a lot and want a easy example they can load in and play around with.
Bounty Hunter Ship Adder:
A simple mod that sets you up to add your own ships to Bounty Hunter, so instead of looking through the Example Mod to make one yourself, just simply add your desired ship into the "New Ships" folder, add or change the needed bit of code that will spawn in your ships, save the changes, and have fun.
Mod Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ul6st19ikyedau3/Bounty_Hunter_Ship_Adder.zip/file
0.0.2: Just a quick edit that allows you to chose if you want the game to give your ships random colours or keep your chose colours
Decals and Textures Mod:
A simple mod that makes it easier for you to add your own decals and textures, all you have to do is add your decal into the decal folder, if you want your decal to change colours with your ship make sure the decal is white, save the chages, load up your game and have fun.
Mod Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0lmyvnbqicq8xa8/Decals_and_Tetures_Mod_%25280.0.1%2529.zip/file
Grid Sizes Mod:
A simple mod that makes it easier to chage the size of the grid to your liking, simple change the numbers to how big you with the grid to be, save the changes, and load up the game.
Do note that the bigger the grid the more lag you may suffer
Mod Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/glz1qz07mvdfrjw/Grid_Size_Mod_%25280.0.1%2529.zip/file