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3x3 high costing (in batteries) accelerator that when you enter 1/2 or 1/4 time mode it doubles the speed of your crew and ship! However it only lasts 10 seconds minimum 15 seconds max, it activates with a hotkey or auto! When it stops being used it overheats up to a maximum of 60 seconds to 30 seconds depending on the batteries being delivered.
I thought it'd be a cool idea, if i needs some rebalancing discuss! I am not a modder so I will not be making this. However still thought it is cool idea. For the color I'd think a minty green kinda.

Or maybe something like it charges up (like the FTL drive) and sends (a) pulse wave(s) of energy that slows everything else but the ship and crew by half. The pulse should travel slowly a representative of what it does to time around itself and also for balancing. It should also have a limited range but me myself do not know what that range should be and what would make it overpowered or make it useless.

    why would it require you to slow down the game speed and not just be a part that activates normally?
    also just a random block that requires just batteries and magically increases crew walk speed doesn’t make much sense, why not just use the walkways?

      Sorry im a little new to stuff like this but thanks for the feed back. I just thought it would be a cool piece of high technology that could be used offensively, defensively or for escape possibly. Im a big fan of manipulating time to, so those are the reasons. You're right maybe a better idea would be to charge up (like the FTL drive) and pulse a wave of energy that slows everything else but the ship and crew by half? The idea wasn't for the crew to go faster but for the ship itself to go faster, even it's bullets. Updated the discussion!

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