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Fine; the title is a bit misleading. I did start this illustration in March, but most of the interim time was spent on school, and I only got back to completing it during the last two weeks. Still, this has to be my most time consuming illustration, so you all BETTER love it (or at least leave constructive criticism if you don't 😃)

Enoshade, Cosmoteer: Volley, 2021, digital

The player looked at the screen, and with a single mouse drag, locked onto the enemy. One touch was all it took for the player. But inside the ship, the crew whirred into action, jumping off their bunks and carrying batteries from the reactors to the missile factories, and missile parts from the factories to the launchers. The control room operators frantically relayed orders to the engine rooms - full thrust ahead, rotate to face the enemy. The actions seamlessly flowed one into the other, and the ship fired its first volley of a hundred missiles.

I even made a landscape format version for anyone who would enjoy that more!

Here are some process images:

My gratitude goes out to Walt for making this game, and for sticking with it through the years - for an entire decade now! Since early 2019, this community has been a place where I could feel at home, bouncing ship design ideas off of the people in Excelsior, losing tournaments, and having an all-round blast. With the new year approaching, and the full release of the game drawing ever closer, I wanted to finally give something back. This is that something.

So cool

Enoshade wow that's just outstanding man

i can see the love and passion that went into this,
this is really a work of art

    It’s very well done. I personally feel that it’s a part of a comic

    Can’t wait to see more

      This deserves all the praise and then some. Tbh looks like an official piece of artwork for the game.

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