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Figured maybe we need a dedicated thread on the forum for people to post their modded ships. This probably won't work out as well as I hope it will, but I suppose we'll see.

So, feel free, anyone and everyone, to post whatever modded creations and abominations you have created and abominated!

    buckeye-class light cruiser

    Vega Class Dreadnought

    Wyvern Class battleship

    • ONI likes this.

    my large powerful ship

    Chompsky Welcome back to chat

    Fury - Class - Cruiser

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    hullbreaker V2

      Thats a lotta beautifully crafted war-machines.

        Capital carrier, one of my personal favorite designs


            imma test it!

              what mods?

                glad to see you are back mate

                  hello! btw thanks

                    do you know what mods kine is using for his ship

                      Cataclysm Carrier, probably my weirdest ship

                        Good ' old starblade, always ready to get the job done

                          Nemesis: the "Stunner" ship and the successor to the Ruiner class support ship.

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                            viking class battleship
                            paintjob still work in progress