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Ok, plans changed, in some time, I'll make another ship, maybe, idk.

    AncientPaviliic Did you test your ships against other ships?

      Glaisne Yes, they are pretty good at fighting, but they can't handle sheer power of Fusion's ships.

      • ONI likes this.

      ONI I can imagine Fusion's ships getting MACd.

        ONI curse your powerful weaponry (I only use sw, you got some super op mods)

          FusionEcho I use Star Wars, krooms, nv, and vanilla

            ONI huh, then I should stand somewhat of a chance

              Ancient ships ballin. 😎

              • ONI likes this.
              16 days later
              24 days later

              who says he wants other people using them lol

                Ok, few ships were added that I forgot to add.

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