- Edited
Location of Brotherhood: Unkown Regions
Goverment: Empire
2 most high ranks:
2nd highest: Emperor
1st highest: Dark Lord
Home planet: Tenamudrus
Specimen: Human, human hybrid, Dark minions
Systems under command: 2
Systems: 1st: Home solar system of Brotherhood, Star type: G, planets: 7
2nd: System no. 00X1 - 01, Star type: F, planets: 3
Flag of Brotherhood:
Current ships in mass production:
Turion-class Frigate
Brotherhood Starfighter
Brotherhood Interceptor
Brotherhood Starfighter
Brotherhood Elite Starfighter
Brotherhood Advanced Starfighter
Raner-class Corvette
Turion-class Frigate
Morius-class Star Destroyer Interdictor
ODS (Orbital Defense Ship)
029-class Medium Cruiser
Quertenus-class Battlecarrier
Dark minion Starfighter
Tenebrius-class Battlecruiser
Renzeavius-class Carrier
Small organization: Guard Union
Guard vessels:
Guard Starfighter
Guard Turion-class Frigate variant
Prisoner Transport