Do you have a way to make ships appear in fixed groups? I don't see much sense in including Kroom's Forge carriers without that.
In the non-carrier Kroom's Forge (plus his armor and decal packs) category today it's Trek ships since they have pun names and basically everything else has placeholder names.
Capitalism (inspiration obvious)
Virgil (inspired by the Romulan ship from the classic Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror")
Sawdust (Inspired by the Excelsior, which according to the American Heritage Dictionary (third edition) is a trade name for wood shavings used as packing material)
Carmen (inspired by the Miranda class)
Daring (inspired by the Intrepid class)
Journey (A bit more Abrams, now with its own bad pun)
Small Business (based on the original)
Updated Nov 24 with general fixes, refinements in particular to the Astronomer and Carmen, lore, and improved paint jobs.
Daring and Astronomer reuploaded Dec 24 to improve still unsatisfactory crew performance.