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I made some ships ๐Ÿ™‚

please do not necropost, the last post was from 3 years ago meaning itโ€™s been long dead

Reaper555 How did you even find this post?

    Jared I find it funny how his first ever post on the forum breaks the rules.

      Roasted If this post has been necroed, does that mean we can use it again?

      dodo_bear Well, umm in theory yes since there has been replied in a month time, but im not a moderator so take what i said with caution.

        Roasted Got it.

          I have a felling it will be a no because its all connected to the first necropost, wanna continue this topic post a new thread

            Jared Not to continue the topic, just for future reference.

              dodo_bear It's best that you ask a moderator.

                8 months later

                  jabonshampu have you read the rules on necroposting? you can't post on something that hasn't had activity for a month or more.

                  craziboi Unless it's of plausible interest to the origional participants

                    craziboi he posted a stargate ship, I don't really see the problem

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