- Edited
The Star Wars: A Cosmos Divided team has been busy working on the new major expansion for months, and we're ready to officially announce what we have in store for you all. This is the biggest update of all time for the Star Wars mod, and the team has given up lots of spare time to bring this to you. Special thanks to @Lafiel for putting in incredible work into the project. It would not have been possible without him.
New Weapons (Artwork & Stats not final)
**Octuple/Quad Barbette Turbolaser
Side-Mounted X-Wing Laser Cannons w/ Variants
Eta-2 Cockpit + Weapon
Many New Turbolaser Varieties (Spherical, Siege Weapons, Sequel Inspired Weapons)
Malevolence SuperIon Cannon Superweapon
Death Star Superlaser V2.0
Capital Ship Heavy Missile
Carronade Turbolasers and Flak Deck Cannons
Point Defense Lasers
Roof Fighter Turret 1x1
Beam Based (Super?)Weapons: SPHA-T, Axial Superlaser, Heavy Composite Beam Turbolaser, etc.
& More**
Other New Parts
**- New 8x16, 10x12, 20x26 + Other Ion Thrusters
- New Doonium & Durasteel slopes (Port from @Kroom 's New Armor Expanded)
- Gravity Well Generator (Stops ships from Hyperspace/FTL)
- & More**
Ships Pack
- The Star Wars Built-In Ships are being moved to a separate mod, which will in some cases use the Kroom's New Armor Expanded. Here are some sneak peeks of that:
ETA 0.3.7 RC1: May 2021
ETA 0.3.7: July 2021
0.3.7 Brought to you by ClassicJam, Lafiel, Skipper_Wraith, & FormularSumo