HMS-Hood The area alarms blink blue!
Security level elevated: Blue Alert
A potential threat to the station has been identified. Docking protocols now require control room authentication.
Trevor mouths the words "the fuck..." as D'oro walks off. Not one to question a man of such authority... he continues practicing... but his focus was lost as he tried to understand what D'oro meant by that...
He noticed the hanger's docking clamps shunt as the blue alert was declared...
As the SAS man enters the lounge, he hears something shunt on his ships docking port. The docking bolts engaged, preventing him from undocking. Judging by the alarm sound... the station was already panicking from his arrival.
As the SAS pilot enters the station's main lounge, he notices a stairway leading upwards. The door at the end of the stairway shunts and clicks, as a red "bolt" light blinks on. The door was deadbolted... meaning someone on the other side bolted it manually.
Drakador_Chaos As the man docks again, he sees the alarms blink blue, and the docking bolts engaged on his ship. Judging by the silence... something was amiss.