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on its... beautifull

    FUSIONISTER Not bad!

      FUSIONISTER theoretically piercable

        AncientPaviliic I don't see what's wrong with it looking like the resurgent. If his goal is to make it look like the resurgent than he's done great.

          operation_gday ouch, remind me to say the same thing about your stuff whenever you post ;D

            FUSIONISTER i guess i just wrote my death warrant ;-;

            btw just do it, my posts are so empty......😐

              not worth my time, just be nicer to others

                FUSIONISTER ill try, but who cares if i become nice anyways lol

                  good point...

                    anyways, ill enjoy your ship, Cheers!


                      Your probably are gonna like this model, if you didn't like the rest, armed with 182 imperial turbolasers, 193 light turbolasers (green), 73 heavy turbolaser towers, 150 medium ion cannons and 68 heavy ion cannons = 666 guns ;D

                      410 long and 198 wide, this vessel also holds 6 extra small bridges to keep fighting, a lot of shields, 10 tractor beams and very thick armor makes this awesome

                      Total Cost: $48,362,100

                      FUSIONISTER looks much more like the resurgent with the grey paint on the sides

                        Were these made with the latest version of SW:ACD and cosmoteer?


                            12 days later

                            these are amazing and i demand you dm them to me immediatly (my user is Sloop and the number thingy is 9827)

                            9 days later

                            heavily updated 546 cruiser