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  • Ship Designs
  • One of my firsts decent ships with mods. (needs a name)

This ship needs a name, who haves a good name for this ship?

cosmos-warrior changed the title to One of my firsts decent ships with mods. (needs a name).

    cosmos-warrior Tadpole

      If you want it to sound long range Sentinel like it can sense and hear you as it patrols

      if you want it to sound fast maybe Vanguard like it chases and gets in close like a shotgun

      if you want it to sound powerful maybe Projector like the ship projects power like its fleet is feared

      like the name normally reflects more than the appearance but idk anything about it so sorry if these suck

      • ONI likes this.


        looks like a seahorse to me

          the comically large spoon the blunt

            The Potato Peeler.

              The Potato Peeler? I would recommend space potato peeler

                The Club

                  What about Lateralis (Or lateralis-class if it's a series of ships.)? I took the direction of the cockpit and just went on a word hunt afterward. And the word lateral's meaning basically fits the ship.

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