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The Ellian Confederation of the United Autonomous Republics

UAR Wreath

Capital: Central, Harmony
Language: Modern Ellian
Demonym: Ellian
Government: Confederal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Leader: Orlando Sr., Prince Royal
Territory: 13 worlds across 9 systems
Population: 22 billion


The Ellian Confederation of the United Autonomous Republics, commonly called the United Autonomous Republics (UAR), is a spacefaring coalition of warring states located in the Autonomous Segment of the Rastho Prime Sector. The United Autonomous Republics is comprised of thirteen highly autonomous member states, each with their own territories which they preside over. The United Autonomous Republics’ capital is the metropolis of Central which also the nation's largest city.

The United Autonomous Republics has a short history compared to other Ellian states. Originating as a joint colonial effort by the Empory of New Kasmari, the Duchy of Jinamoyo, the Duchy of Tinamoyo and the Duchy of Tsunatsun, the County of Haven was established in 12016HE alongside the Barony of Harmony. Nearby systems and planets were also settled, though disagreements soon broke out between the various colonies.

These disputes over territory, jurisdiction, religion and ideology eventually culminated in the Ellian Civil War, which devastated the Ellians and left many colonies in ruins. In the aftermath of the fighting, the United Autonomous Republics was proclaimed. An international body promoting peace and prosperity, the ultimate goal of the United Autonomous Republics was to mediate interstate-relationships and foster a sense of kinship among the Ellian people. But the scars of the Civil War could not be healed and thirteen states still stand on the brink of total war to this very day.

Ella small nitpick, (more of an opinion, so I'm a bit biased on this) please invest in *. Just put it like *this * (but without space in-between the word and the asterisk) for the paragraphs. Otherwise, you're good to go lorewise. Looks pretty good all-in-all!

BattleCruiserCommander Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! 😄

As for the markdown, I don't put anything in italics unless it's a non-English word or for emphasis.

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    This is really cool 😃
    Also, thought factbook said Facebook lol.

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      ONI Thank you! 😄

      Lol. Sometimes my Autocorrect changes it to Facebook, so you're definitely no the only one.

      • ONI likes this.

      Ella Haha autocorrect do be stupid at times.


        A few large vessels arrived at the weakest planet among the 13. The vessels didn’t have any active weaponry, and arrived in peace.

        The vessels carried quite some medical supplies, and something very interesting... Enhancements. On the sides of the vessels there were large letters which spelled out; NORDIC SCIENCES

        The one in charge of the vessels, Emma, began to send out a transmission towards the planet’s embassy, it contained video and audio.

        Transmission Starts

        On the video, there was a woman in white clothes, with a red logo. Unlike the guards next to her, there was a golden ribbon on her clothes. She had short white hair, and a kind smile.

        ”Greetings, Autonomous Republics, the name is Emma. Not too long ago we became aware of your nation, and we, Nordic Sciences, wish to create an alliance.

        Be not frightened by your vessels, they do not bring harm, instead they bring supplies as a gift, a showcase of what we have to offer.” Her tone was kind, with a passion of politics in the mix.

        ”Do we have permission to land? To discuss our future?”

        Transmission Ends

        • ONI likes this.
        • Ella replied to this.


          (Welcome to the forums btw! Your faction looks quite cool, and Im happy another person is here!

 <- Join this discord btw! It is the main hub for RP on this forum, with many cool people!)

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          The United Autonomous Republics was far from united. Constant skirmishing and minor fleet action ravaged the Frontier District, each state teetering on the brink of war with her neighbours. Contested systems like Victory, Triumph and Oasis switched hands seemingly once every couple of years, sometimes as quickly as once every few months. Propaganda spewed forth from the media of every state, proclaiming their superiority over their rivals, while news of weakness and defeat were censored from public channels by shadowy and overzealous government officials. But try as they might, the states cannot argue against the facts of the battlefield.

          Though the traditional administrative boundaries of the three districts seemed to give some indication of the relative power parity between the thirteen states, the reality was hardly so clear-cut. Within the Central District, perhaps only the Transsystemic Cooperative could be said to be truly stronger than the other states. The Imperialist Republics was a strong contender, possessing some three colonial outposts in the contested systems. Yet its ongoing war with the Solar Confederacy - a "mere" Frontier District state - seemed to be bogged down, something hardly characteristic of conflict between a strong state and its immediate inferior.

          But of course, there were weaker states. Among them could be counted the names of the Mercantile Trade Syndicate, a loose band of traders occupying the system of Port who relied more on their diplomatic prowess than strength of arms to get by. The Metropolitan Great House, a dynasty of independent warlords in the outer rim who seemed more interested in taxing trade than fighting. The Steel Sun Clan, whose fleets are numerous, but poorly led and trained, leading to several humiliating defeats in recent years. The Mining Combine, the ferocity of whose armies were a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield but whose fleets were entirely wanting.

          The title of the weakest of all the states, however, has to go to none other than the United Moons Directorate. Poor, starving, practically fleetless after their legendary defeat during the Ellian Civil War, this was a state that was nowhere near ready for the trials and tribulations of another war. But they continue waging war anyway (and continue to lose badly) against their traditional foes; none other than the Solar Confederacy who stood toe-to-toe against one of the Central District states and came out on top. Suicidal was perhaps the aptest descriptor of the United Moons Directorate at this point in time.

          Nonetheless, the arrival of foreign vessels caused quite a stir among the upper echelons of military command. Concerned admirals gathered in the recently reconstructed Directorate Military Headquarters to deliberate the nature of these alien craft, their unintelligible transmissions and how to proceed from here. Paige Michael Mossford Sr., the oldest granddaughter of the Mossford House (the dynasty of independent warlords ruling over the United Moons Directorate), stood up to address the small assembly of kinsmen, advisors and general officers.

          "Observatories report the presence of several large vessels of unknown origin and design entering the system. Based on their proximity to the planet when they left F-T-L, we know that their technology is far superior to ours. We also know that our radio transmissions have been jammed along a wide band for roughly sixty seconds starting from 13:57:09 to 13:58:03 - that was twenty-five minutes ago. Dahyanyu, what do you make of this?"

          Shane Nancy, a prominent military advisor in the service of the Mossford House, rose to reply to his lady-lord. "Mossford-jin, I believe that we should act with all due caution in the presence of these beings. We don't know how strong they are and we don't know where they come from. It would be most unwise to upset them. I would advise not confronting them directly, but instead seeking some way to communicate with them."

          Admiral Kyle Lisa thought otherwise, and he wasted no time making his opinion known. "With all due respect, Nancy-jun, if we let every random alien and their lapdogs trot all over our space, how will the other states see us? What of the great Directorate's respect? What of the great Mossford House's dignity? I propose we sally out in force and send them running back to whichever corner of the galaxy they came from."

          "Lisa-jun, we don't even know if our weapons will be effective against their ships," Shane Nancy sighed. The hot-headed admiral's reputation for seeking confrontation whenever possible was well-known and it would likely prove to be his undoing one of these days. "Nor do we know the extent of their empire. If they retreat and nothing else comes of it, then that would be fine. But if they come back an even bigger fleet and a burning vengeance, Lisa-jun, that is not a burden neither you, nor I, can bear."

          Paige Michael nodded. "Nancy-jun is correct. We ought not to aggravate them. However, I believe that Lisa-jun has a good attitude. We need to show these aliens who owns this system. Hachotakya Kathryn-jun, launch your fleet, but stay in orbit and do not engage. See if you can establish contact with the aliens."

          The appointed admiral saluted. "Jisho. I will have my strike force in orbit in ten minutes, Mossford-jin." The lady-lord nodded and wished him Godspeed. With his lord's blessings, he turned and left the room, waving for his aide to follow. As the young lieutenant caught up to him, he took out his note pad to scribble down a quick order before tearing the page off and handing it to the boy. "Pass down my orders. Have the strike force launch immediately."

          As Ernest Kathryn's Strike Force was mustering and preparing to depart port, the patrol fleet around Jewel (the planet's name), consisting of Rosy class light cruisers, rallied together to form a thin battle line to oppose the Nordic Sciences flotilla. These spacecraft, although barely a threat to any sizable military vessel on their own, can be very dangerous in concentrated numbers, and the planetary patrol was certainly numerous with a few hundred vessels assembled in front of the Nordic fleet.

          Nordic sensors are likely able to pick up the fact that these craft are relatively lightly armed, with a small number of low-calibre guns, and also very lightly armoured but highly mobile. They could probably guess that these vessels were typically employed by Ellian navies as skirmishing elements, screening forces and fast raiders and did not pose too much of a threat to their larger ships.

          They would also be able to see that the Ellian ships communicated using Morse code transmitted via signal lamps, but no other advanced communications methods could be detected except for simple, rudimentary radio signals. It could, therefore, be concluded that the Ellians either did not receive their earlier transmission and offer of friendship, or they did not have the necessary technology to understand what the message was saying. In any case, it was clear that further effort was required to establish stable communications with this seemingly primitive civilisation.


          The fleet warped outside Confederation space. The gray paint gave off a feeling of power- it gave no shine, no light. The black letters engraved upon the largest ship of the 3 gave it a title and a blessing.

          HCMS Ambassador I

          The cruiser was accompanied by 2 frigates, a sign of peace, yet authority. An escort and a display of power. The signature 3 barrel turrets began to turn to their original position after the warp, as it was a lengthy one.

          The Executorial cruiser gave out a transmission.

          This is the HCMS Ambassador I of The Unralith Empire. I am Lord Adi Warrick the 6th, the captain of this ship, and the "Friendship" Executor, keeper of peace and war in balance. I have come as a sign of truce, of kindness. I believe you can help us, however, that information is classified level 4. I am requesting a diplomatic meeting with your leaders.

          The channel remained open for any response.

          • Ella replied to this.

            A rather small fleet, consisting of only 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, A Freighter, and a Transport vessel come near the TUAR Border, but do not enter, and request to land both the Freighter and Transport vessel. The Group, who identifies themselves as "The Redford Republic" states that the warships are there for protective measures, as "The potential goods aboard may interest some."

            The Battleship, Freighter, Destroyers, and Transport vessel appear as an image on the holographic displays (or if they don't have that it can be something similar the faction might have). These warships, true to the person's word, seem to be in defensive positions around the freighter and transport craft.


            The Unralith vessel let out a message.

            This is the HCMS Ambassador I of The Unralith Empire. I am Lord Adi Warrick the 6th, the captain of this ship, and the "Friendship" Executor, keeper of peace and war in balance. I believe you have come here on good terms as well, Redford.

              Super_Mapper "Indeed I have. Let us hope the same for everyone else."


                Emma, the one in charge, pondered
                throughout the wait of the responds.
                “Owen! Any responds yet?” She yelled, laying in her chair. “Negative.”

                She jumped out of her chair, and walked further in the control deck, staring out the large window. “Something must be wrong here...” She proclaimed, and began to think.

                ”Emma, multiple ships are showing up on the radar. They are small, but large in quantity. They must be hostile, and didn’t bother to respond.” Another officer said, and Emma seemed rather upset by this development.

                ”No... Perhaps they didn’t have the means to pick up on our transmission?” She walked back to the commanders chair, and began to sit. “We have 5 ships total. Retreat 3, any commender would know that that would be insane.”

                Another officer stood up, looking worried. “But Emma, if they were to charge us, we could very well loose one of our ships? Maybe even this one, thanks to our lack of ammo?”

                Emma nodded. “That is a risk I’m willing to take. In addition, send out a small craft filled with medical supplies. Control it from here, and send them towards the planet for landing.

                They might think it is a bomb, so send it to a more deserted area for minimal risk. They must be curious enough not to blow it up. Also put in some communication devices, let these 2 ships stand by until they communicate.”

                From their perspective, 3 of the 5 ships began to retreat, creating a disadvantage from their side. A small craft began to leave the 2 ships that stayed behind. It didn’t have any weaponry, and headed to the planet towards a deserted area, planning to land.

                The other 2 ships stayed in place, not approaching any further, waiting.

                • Ella replied to this.

                  (@BattleCruiserCommander Super_Mapper Which of the 13 worlds are you guys approaching? You guys might not be at the same one?)


                    (If he replied, we must be near. Otherwise...I really don't know. Encrypted long-range comms?)

                      Super_Mapper (Same system I'd think. Multi-system comms are more finnicky both inlore and ooc)