V2 has a sweet paint job, bigger strafe engines and anti-penetration front armour, but stays under $250K. It's more asymmetrical to keep the weight down.
This one is designed to essentially never get hit while sniping enemies at massive range with the railgun. I heavily min/maxed it: minimum weight and maximum reverse thrust to stay reliably out-of-range of enemies. The front armour is for the rare scenario where you get caught within range and need to protect the railgun and boosters. There are no other defensive components in pursuit of lightweight, because you won't get hit anyway.
It fights alright in AI, provided there is significant distance between ships before the battle starts. This is crucial to winning battles: NEVER let enemies weapons within range of you.
That's about it for description, here's the ship!
[Updated] Railgun Reverse kiter ship
Mythical_Muffin Nice rail kiter! You may be able to save some money by powering the rest of the rail and the ammo factory (+the CR) with the two front reactors, which could let you cut out the rear one entirely.
Oneye Thanks, I'll give that a try for V3
- Edited
I don't think this will be useful in the next update, because of the recoil, the railgun is for bigger ships now
Needs more forward thrust
anyways, idk, im not a railgunner
Oneye Yeah, i try it, is good for the first 2 difficulties, but then you need to buy more for your fleet to be effective, the good thing is the price, you can buy many, but you have to play with some other ship before, the bad thing is that the armor is not really very effective, its support breaks very fast and exposed