Just a chat where you can put your largest ships.
Btw pls tell us which mods yo used
- Edited
I have 2 disputed beasts atm, and my hyperdreadnought will surely beat those two in size and tonnage but anyways. The first one is the Emperor Nicolas I-class dreadnought.
The second one is the Kaiser Cyrus hyperdreadnought.
Mods used are Kroom's forge, Wh40k, ABH, Galactic Allegiance, and SW: ACD.
MadStar dew it. Post them
example (wh40k, krooms forge)
operation_gday This ain't my biggest, but it's my best looking.
ABH, Kroom's Forge, Normal armor expanded.
Bid enough
This guy is 12mil, i use kroom's, SW:ACD, and TTE
MadStar smh what a noob
.... the paint is annoying me sooooo much, why is it not symmetrical
Roasted it's like go home star wars your drunk
Jared Because I suck at painting big ass ships
LiamTheShipmaster You can use the symmetry tools on the paint mode
IvanBerni I did use symmetry tools
I think this is big enough: