Shokaku is a Sister of Hakuryu and Hakuryu is a Sister of Shokaku
Shokaku Carries four Fighters
Shokaku is From Orion Shogun and From Orion Malaysia
it is between said Shokaku and Hakuryu fight alongside each other and The War of Pirates Damaged Sisiter Hakuryu
Lasers Cuts Sister Hakuryu Sword off and Both Sides Thrusters Cut off and left broken but the in Middle Thrusters Hakuryu only has Shokaku Sister came to Support Sisiter Hakuryu but Hakuryu is Heavy Damaged after a short of time Two Support Allies came in and Helped Hakuryu Hakuryu is Badly Damaged and to Repair it
Shokaku Defence Weapons Point Defences and Flanks Gun
Shokaku Defence Rate: Good and Many Defences
Shokaku Fighters: Beam Laser and Heavy Cannons and Heavy Lasers and Bolters and Lasers and Fast
Shokaku speed: Half Good
Shokaku Turning Speed: Good
size Hakuryu is Bigger Than Shokaku size