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The U.F.I, a mysterious faction that laid dormant for 3000 years, now active. No one knows who or what their intentions are. Some say they are the enemies of the galaxy, others suggest that they were the ancients, or just old peace keepers. Their last appearance was on 40ATP.

    General Lore: COMMENCE LOG:
    In the year 0BTP (Before the Purge), the F.I.(Farron Institute) was formed under a man named Farron Qiazon, one of the former head of the I.G.C.I.A.
    At that time there was peace in the galaxies until it all came crashing down when the The Purge started.
    No one knows who or what they are, but it was clear in it's intent, to rule all life and make a new one in it's dark and corrupted philosophy.
    The F.I fought long and hard with what is left of the galaxies bravest factions wich lasted for 10 pain staking years until they won. But cost them losing almost all of their general assets and majority of the allied factions are dead.
    The seat of power was interupted after The Purge since the Zqsal Empire (the elected 'president' faction of all factions at that time)' was in ruins thus, started the GWI (Galactic War One). Falcrion, Farron's son, saw an opportunity to rise in power to unite all conflicting factions to one.
    He was able to succeed in his plans of unification up until the F.I came across the ancient (REDACTED) that are known to be (REDACTED) in the (REDACTED) region, in which revolutionized their understanding of the cycle of the galaxies.
    Now having the power of the ancient (REDACTED), Farron improved the quality of life to everyone around the galaxies bringing a new era of peace and order.
    But his son Facrion was starting to be corrupted by the dark forces Of the ancient (REDACTED) and killed Farron. He died at (READCATED) ATP (After the Purge). Before his untimely death, Farron established the main rules of the F.I
    . One of the rules are
    all leaders are allowed to live up to 1000 years due to a unique process of (REDACTED). If failed to follow the rules, procedure (REDACTED) will be implemnted.
    In total there are 7 leaders of the F.I.
    1 FQ, 2 BM, 3 DF, 4 KG, 5 XE, 6 AE, and 7 LE.


    Before and during The Purge: Soldiers: Active 147 billion, Reserves 50 Billion.
    			     Fighters: UNKNOWN
                                     Frigates: UNKNOWN
    			     Battleships: 100 Million
    			     Destroyers: 80 Million
    			     Dreadnoughts: 50 Million
    			     Carriers: 300 Million
                                     Experimental Ships: 500,000
    After The Purge: Lost 80 to 99% of all of the above.
    The U.F,I period: UNKNOWN......'.,[/ROUGH ESTIMATE: 30 TO 47%? RECOVERED/.']


        Before and during The Purge: Full control of the Outer Rim and Unknown Region.
    After The Purge: Partial control of the Unknown Region.
    The U.F.I period: Full control of the Unknown Region


    Before and during The Purge: Mainly focusing on medical and espionage tech.
    After The Purge: Mainly focusing on espionage and weapons.
    The U.F.I period: UNKNOWN


    Foronza: Home of the Zqsal Empire, IGS (Intergalactic Senate), and the U.F.I.
    The Foronza galaxy is rich in exotic and rare materials. Known to be the heart of trading in the entire galaxies
    and the most powerful.
    Maen: Home of the Qwat Kingdom and Kosmoidan Empire.	
    The Maen galaxy has a troubled pass of these two factions fighting who is dominant. Knwon to be the galaxy of wonders.
    Lanwal: Home of the Galyion.
    The Lanwal galaxy was used to be full of historical artifacts but now ransacked by pirates and shady companies.
    Known to be the galaxy of yore.
    Aeglo: Home of the Aigo Republic.
    The Aeglo galaxy is the hub of banished individuals. Known to be the galaxy horrors
    Kal-Taal: Home of the Uiop Federation and the Independent Association of Buirk.
    The Kal-Taal galaxy is where all politics 

    Other Factions and History:

    Zqsal Empire
    A proud empire with no end insight but with a troubled past. Est in the year (CORRUPTED) by Gleon Valnleneo Zqsal.

    A young man with a vision to change

    Qwat Kingdom
    The kingdom that has fallen from grace. Est in the year (CORRUPTED) by Hajon Welnester. 
    Kosmodian Empire
    An empire that rules with honor.
    Have a strong sense of justice.
    Aigo Republic

    Major Events:

    Trigone Incident
    	During the rein of KG, the F.I offiacally went out of hiding and establishe A meeting was held in the 


    Farron Institute Branches:


    G.F.I (Ground Field Intelligence) is one of the information branches of the Institute. The main goal of this branch is to gather information. Ranking of this branch and what they do are: (From lowest to highest)
    C.I. (Clone Impersonater) A C.I replaces a target during procedure K.R.I.P 1. They gather information from what connection they are apart of and give it to a G.F.A. If a C.I where to be caught, it would self destruct by using a B.M.E.B (Bio Memory Eraser Bomb).
    G.F.A. (Ground Field Agent) A G.F.A's role is to transport the acquired info from a C.I to a G.I.F.A. Thier other roles include, scouting, interrogation, and investigation.
    G.I.F.A. (Ground Intelligence Field Agent)
    G.O.F.A. (Ground Operative Field Agent)
    H.I.C (Head Intelligence Counsel) H.I.C controls all information branches of the Institute

    Jackyboy54 changed the title to The United Farron Institute (WIP).

      (NOTE: This lore is not associated to the G-S16. This is my personal lore. BUT, planning to join the G-S16 in the future with a different timeline.)

        • Edited

        The UNSC Prowler Bottle o' Gin deploys 3 Whisper-Class Relay Probes in the system attempting to gather any intelligence on this unknown entity

          Admiral Wald: The reports show that nothing out of the ordinary is happening in the Outer Rim Sir.
          General Talios: Yes I can see that.......................Have you heard about the tragic news of the Dukes of Uiop? Very terrible.

          • ONI likes this.
          • ONI replied to this.

            Admiral Wald: Indeed. To come and think that someone plotted an assassination against them. What nerve they have.
            General Talios: Mhm.
            Admiral Viola: If I may gentlemen, we have found an anomaly in the Unknown Region.

              Jackyboy54 The prowlers AI Kayla intercepts brief coms chatter about the death of the duke

                Admiral Wald: Friendly?
                Admiral Viola: No, their signature are different.
                General Talios: Hmmm.

                • ONI replied to this.

                  Admiral Wald: Maybe it's a glitch in the scanners Viola, you're seeing things again knowing your eye sight.
                  Admiral Viola: Really Wald? You know I had surgery a couple weeks ago you numskull!. Anyway I have confirmation by one of the stations.

                    General Talios: Two of you, shut it. This might be a new threat. Contact the U.F.I now.
                    Admiral Wald and Viola: Yes sir!

                      Jackyboy54 Data from the relay probes has been sent back to the prowler. Small but durable cameras on the probes had began capturing the stars and planets the moment they deployed, Now the Prowler has more information on the sector.

                      [Bottle o' Gin Bridge] The young navigations officer turned to the captain "sir we are picking up possible hostile coms chatter" The captain, paused. "Activate the ship cloaking we don't want them more aware of our presence" "Aye sir cloaking online in 3....2....1 cloaking activated"

                      Navigation Officer Pedwin: Uhh General, they disappeared from our scanners sir.
                      General Talios: Oh, it's this type of ship...
                      Admiral Viola: General, the U.F.I are informed of the situation.
                      Admiral Wald: Are they going to send reinforcements?

                        (Is there any space stations at all)

                          (It's a ship, still thinking which one though)

                            (Recon Fleet to put it short)

                              (Yes but only 5 stations are present, Outposts)

                                • Edited

                                The crew of the Gin are puzzled at why the source of the com chatter has not reacted to their brief uncloaked or naked state when they were visible

                                  (Also much easier if you just reply because its very confusing reading all the separate thread comments you make)