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KSI Federation's Most Known Ships:

The KSI Stingrail is a heavy armor piercer ship capavle of penetrating an enemy destroyer and can deplete full sheilding systems,

The KSI Raider is an anti-fighter corvette vut also used as escort ships for larger vessels.

The KSI Pyron Defender Is a heavy frigate used mainly for destroying hulls of enemies vut requires shield disruptors

**The KSI True Elite is a Heavy Anti-fighter that can defend other ships from vehind. oftenly used as first rows of defence

The KSI Genesis MK II Is a medium Sniper. Easily snipes from a distance and can jam any and every frequentcy that can track it. has a warp drive similar to the warp drives of crimsons. made by the revenants

The KSI Vulture Is a heavy anti-projectile ship used for defending KSI solar systems and escorts for larger vessels

The KSI Avion Is a medium Carrier carrying 5 independent ships and can still work normally afterwards.

The KSI Gregory A flanker made to destroy enemy fighters and corvettes, primaly used for side-to-side comvat

The KSI TeamLap Is the primary defence of the Civil Federation and capavle of depleting an entire fleet of redford fighters

The KSI Prowler equiped with 2 superlasers, this ship can deplete hulls and sheildings of hostile ships

KSI Vlue Arrow A heavy Destroyer capavle of Killing a redford/ICD destroyer equiped with a heavy laser veam and 32 missiles (that's because redford is the strongest faction ive met)

The KSI Elite-Class is known as the "Crystal Shredder", it shreds crystals (JK)

The KSI Avductor Is a heavy Assault Destroyer capavle of destroying a space station without support from other ships.

The KSI Terrarria MY HEAD ACHES OF CHAnGInG THE DESCRIPTIOn!!! (systems overloading)

The KSI DreadFlame Is a Super Destroyer capable of Running through RedFord/Crystal blockades. Has a super heavy laser beam that can split an ICD Dreadnaught to half. mostly used by the revenants

The Mobile station is the largest Ship Dreadnaught in the federation. mostly camped in areas for defence. easily devours any crystal/ICD ships into shards of dust

also, why are my tractor beams sideways?

Who made the KSI?

Daiaurufu-Garu Why are you comparing these to Redfords ships
btw, @BattleCruiserCommander. Have you approved of these claims. Especially this one:

Daiaurufu-Garu The KSI Terrarria Is the largest Destroyer in the Federal navy ready to destroy any redford/crystal destroyer in 0.5 seconds

KrankysFirebrand48 no. Especially wrong. It could destroy a Crown Destroyer in about 1-2 minutes ingame time, probably longer in rp time. Besides, that destroyer is outdated anyways. It'll be replaced soon enough. Also, it's probably more even fight, not so one sided. If the two fought, it be a dice roll on who won.

Daiaurufu-Garu Look dude, do not use my faction as a guide. 1. It's a stupid move to say "It can destroy/ deplete whole squads of Redford Fighters" When it has been shown inlore that they can tank at least some flak and still fly/fight. If anything, use your Crystal Empire enemy as a guide. It makes sense inlore, as it sounds like your faction has been fighting them for years. Don't base most these vessels on the capability to destroy an enemy that in lore has been attacking you for basically hours/days. Ships are not produced like this in hours/days. Do please change from Redford vessels/ fighters to Crystal Empire craft.

I know there’s are just faction ships but might I suggest you read the build guide, the set up of the ships are truly terrible and need work

    Daiaurufu-Garu You can edit your posts if you make a typo

      Altraxia whats a typo?

      Daiaurufu-Garu Mispellings. Example: you accidently spelled "factions" as "factoins"

      Altraxia thankyou for caring for me!!! (JK) my head hurts thinking of a lore for every single ship i have.

        Altraxia how do i edit those?

          Daiaurufu-Garu Click the "..." next to the post you want to edit. Then this comes up:

            KrankysFirebrand48 no. i am not comparing... i mean... redford republic isnt the only faction i compare my ships to.

            BattleCruiserCommander what's a crown destroyer? did you make a ship that is built to destroy crowns?