BattleCruiserCommander it took so long for a ship like this? i even copied your ships and made vetter ships rather than this in 3 hours
1 of the ships i copied
1 of the vetter ships i did
(Remake) Design your own Warship!
Daiaurufu-Garu thankyou for your effort tho!
Daiaurufu-Garu its legit!... legitly useless!
Daiaurufu-Garu its not even a inlore thing...
BattleCruiserCommander ty for ur efforts tho dear friend!
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Daiaurufu-Garu tbh I haven't done a vanilla ship in months. I'm surprised it even turned out like this.
(Ntm I only had 1 hour to make it, as the other 2 were spent trying to get my doggo in da house after it ran off and eating supper)
BattleCruiserCommander my deactivator is a quick build
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Daiaurufu-Garu Jeez, at least he made a ship for you. If you think it's bad,make it yourself. I'm sure you know what looks good.
I do realize that you thanked him. Don't think I didn't read all of your posts.
Altraxia sorry if you didnt see my appreciation
BattleCruiserCommander btw... Where is the black Speeder Carrier?
Daiaurufu-Garu How do you know of that?
this is a challenge
4x3 battleship naval gun 4x2 medium naval gun 4x4 secondary naval gun
4x4 durasteel armor
naval vengeance shields
Ster wars engines (large and medium)
battleship (dreadnought)
vanila reactor
hmmmm large
redford paint
Montana battleship shape
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BattleCruiserCommander While size is a factor, it mainly depends on the parts you choose, as the size will be based around it. This means that the size can not be specified, as that could mean the non-inclusion of parts you request.
I'll start construction, but you sure you don't want any paint details? No bridge, nothing?
ShadowZero ok then
ShadowZero Ok, heres your vessel. Please note that Ship-Shape was used and I put no paint details like you requested.
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BattleCruiserCommander noice, you can use it as a battleship of Kingsman
ShadowZero The Kingsman fleet is ded
you claim this ship is better but it really is not