LordEcho I'm starting work on your ship now, sorry for the wait.
KaeligRoperhe I wouldn't be able to build all of these to exact schematics. Heres all of the ones I can't build and the reasons why:
- S.M.S. Badetzky - Has turrets that require 1 gun, which cannot be built due two the mods available (As the only ones available with 1 barrel are much too big for the size and have drum magazines)
- Liberty Battleship- Same reason as above.
- Dontan Dreadnought- Has casemates that are too far in the hull. If they were moved outward toward the hull, they would most likely conflict with other parts.
- (Maybe) Agamemnon- Has the same reason has the Liberty and SMS, though it could have the single barrel if the Requestee wants it.
- Courbet Battleship- Same reason with the casemates, but to a more extreme degree.
I know that's a lot of the ships you requested, but unless you want something in its place (Instead of 1 barrel, its two barrels, some casemates removed, etc.) they wouldn't be able to be built. The Benbow is also kinda in a odd spot, but if it's the drum variant can be built. If the drum isn't good, then Benbow can't be built. I'm sorry about it, but I want to stick as close to the schematics as possible.