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LordEcho I'm starting work on your ship now, sorry for the wait.

KaeligRoperhe I wouldn't be able to build all of these to exact schematics. Heres all of the ones I can't build and the reasons why:

  1. S.M.S. Badetzky - Has turrets that require 1 gun, which cannot be built due two the mods available (As the only ones available with 1 barrel are much too big for the size and have drum magazines)
  2. Liberty Battleship- Same reason as above.
  3. Dontan Dreadnought- Has casemates that are too far in the hull. If they were moved outward toward the hull, they would most likely conflict with other parts.
  4. (Maybe) Agamemnon- Has the same reason has the Liberty and SMS, though it could have the single barrel if the Requestee wants it.
  5. Courbet Battleship- Same reason with the casemates, but to a more extreme degree.

I know that's a lot of the ships you requested, but unless you want something in its place (Instead of 1 barrel, its two barrels, some casemates removed, etc.) they wouldn't be able to be built. The Benbow is also kinda in a odd spot, but if it's the drum variant can be built. If the drum isn't good, then Benbow can't be built. I'm sorry about it, but I want to stick as close to the schematics as possible.

BattleCruiserCommander I knew that problems arise, various solutions are possible:
for all ships with a single cannon, I know that I should have left the star wars mod in the list, you can put a blaster or me long cannon blaster which looks like a spade;

For the Danton, you can shift the arms a little;

Agamemnon, for the superimposed weapons, use the doudle turret with the gatling, for the simpe barrels, with barrel and;

For the Courbet, try to make it bigger to avoid the problem of pillbox if you please.

Besides, I made two ships ( ok he uses the ben's mod for the armor and some system):

    For the HS Bendow, can you use for primary weapon small red laser turret of Star wars mod

      KaeligRoperhe Ok, Got it, though I might be only able to build one ship tonight (It's about 7:30 Where I am, so I only got time for 1 ship)

      Also, what about the paint for the schematic vessels? What do you mean by Pillbox btw?

      you can try to reproduce the bridge and other details, same diagram as the Charlemagne for the color

      BattleCruiserCommander hewe! i gatcha a small vanilla carrier:

      The RedFord Prydwen-Class Hybrid Carrier Destroyer. it's equiped with our non-latest technology! with a discount of 99.9% off! this destroyer can obliderate the Redford cheiftain mk3!

      Daiaurufu-Garu genius paintjob, you made some nice paint cannons

        LordEcho sorry sir Echo for my non-working naval cannons. i dont use mods. please forgive me

        BattleCruiserCommander thankyou sir for treating me well. i am very sorry for doing annoying for you posts

          ImTired the federation only sells ships. They don't sell the factory nor the blueprints. that ship costs around 1.5M credits.

          Daiaurufu-Garu (Okay now I’m thoroughly confused. This is a shipyard? I thought you could specify a ship (type/design) and it would be created to the best of his/her ability? So what you are saying is, this is in lore?)

          (Thanks for trying to explain though.)

          BattleCruiserCommander I've got a request for you :3
          What I want is fro you to remake the Japanese battleship Yamato, but there's a little twist, there must be no components, just a shape from vanilla armor + Krooms armor expanded and the paint, I would also like the guns to be painted as well. But no thrusters, reactors, control, rooms, weapons or anything else as a matter of fact, just the shape and paint.
          Edit: try making it up to scale ok? :3

          ImTired If the ship is used without modification of the design, Then at least a mention of me when the ship is first shown in your faction Is all I request. Total Ownership is then entrusted to the "Buyer".

          Daiaurufu-Garu This is not a Faction, this is not a forge, not anything like those types of things. I just build what you guys request. Speaking of which:

          An announcement for anyone waiting for their ships to be built. I've come back from what I'll call constant sleeping (Basically I stood up for the last night I was on here and now I've been falling asleep for about 13 hours a day. Man I'm lazier then a bump on a log), So I'll finally work on your guys ships.