Of course, without the armored frigate of the secession war and the experimental ships like the fluvial frigate Monitor of the Nord which not really a boat, but from point of view a box of armored cheese with a turret, but effective against the enormous Virginia of the South.
(Remake) Design your own Warship!
If it makes you happy, ok
KaeligRoperhe Who are you talking to?
BattleCruiserCommander about what
KaeligRoperhe nevermind. Anyways, do you want any details like a bridge, smoke stacks, raised areas or depressed areas of the deck/ship ,anything like that?
BattleCruiserCommander acctually, what ppart of tthis worrld do yoou livve?
KaeligRoperhe Here's Your (Charlamange based) Battleship! I referenced the Casemate Guns by limiting the firing arc of the Electrobolts. Hope u like it!
Daiaurufu-Garu U.S. and that's the most ure gonna get outta me rn.
Daiaurufu-Garu It's not yours... It's @KaeligRoperhe 's Ship. If you claim it as yours again, your true ship will not be built.
BattleCruiserCommander dont reply my name please! im multitasking here annd irl
Daiaurufu-Garu That's it, no ship for u. This is not your ship, and thus you lose your second request ship. If this happens again, I'm going to revoke the ship I built for you earlier. It's a very mean way to do it, I know, but I'm not letting this happen on here on my post dangit.
Also, I know you just now deleted your post. I see it from my previous post that when you hover over the reply, it still states your post's original statement (unless edited).
after a series of maneuvers and comparison, the Kriegsmarine and the Battlefleet Gothic adopts the new ship project as part of the support ship program, moreover the possibility of ordering from the yards of the republic of Redford is questionable. (I know, it sounds rp, but I find that that makes it classy, ​​well, I like this nvire, and are design, it has the same number of crew as the Artemis, its speed is comparable to the Raven, armament suitable for a ship of this size, possibility of creation of a modified class, more armored, new propellants, shield)
I think that for your construction challenge, you could add Tte armory and Ben's mod op as for some element (Weapons, propulsion, crew).
Class - Battleship
Armament - Large Naval Guns
Armor - Durasteel (3 layers)
Shields - SW: ACD shields.
Engines - SW: ACD for main propulsion, vanilla for maneuvering
Power - Vanilla
Paint - Visible bridge
Shape - Ship-shaped
New command and gifs :
First, the Krieg Korp commandement done five Blueprint in gifts for your work (inspired by WW1 french tank) :
Ft-17 Renault
FT crusader ( inspired by heavy crusader french tank)
The first french tank, the Schneider AC.
In addition, a large order as part of the support vessel program is launched, in the tradition of French, English, Hostro-Hungarian vessels.
With durasteel armor, identical propulsion, ditto for shields, naval armament from NVM and a paint based on the send plans and in the same color as the previously built ship, we will wait for the time at the time you want.
Republic Battleship
Liberty Battleship
Dontan dreadnought
HMS Agamemnon
Courbet battleship
HMS Benbow
maybe British battleship
and, finally, the Bretagne Battleship
Super_Mapper Ok i'll paint it
KaeligRoperhe Do you want one fo these ships or all of these ships to be built?
BattleCruiserCommander Can you build all ?
Form the weapons, primary Naval vengeance mod, secondary, Kroom forge and ionique .