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Well, how do I start this?
After looking at Bloodcult for a while, as I´ve been maintaining it over the last, I don´t know how many, months, I came to the conclusion that Bloodcult needed a rework, as the mod has been using alot of pretty old code, it had plenty of typos from the original dev (no offense zerg) and now and then I also did some minor graphical improvements.
So here, is the result:
Bloodcult (Reworked)(15.10 compatible)
Bloodcult (Reworked)(15.12 compatible)
Bloodcult (Reworked-fix) (15.12 compatible)
NEW: Bloodcult (Reworked)(15.14 compatible)
This version adds a variety of changes, most of which I would like you, the person who´s playing, to experience yourself, therefor I will, at least as of now, not list them here.
Amongst the changes I did which I will list are:
-Graphical improvements
-Technical changes
-Removal of most if not all typos and grammar issues

Please note that this is a WORK IN PROGRESS version, I am putting this out here to gain some feedback on the improvements and changes, there are still a number of issues I have to fix, for example:
-Lower difficulties of bounty hunter are still broken
-still need to rework the Eye of Doom
-Most ship designs will have to be updated due to changes in parts and mechanics

In any case, have fun testing I will be waiting for the feedback here.

Considering I have moved the main mod to this thread I will also start uploading the updated EoD versions here, links are below, not alot of change here yet, changed some old code and added some stats:
NEW:Eye of Doom (0.15.12-14)(light)
NEW:Eye of Doom (0.15.12-14)(fancy)

  • Edited

Drakador_Chaos eyy, first here...
and first fuked up XD

 Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<D:\Cosmoteer\Data\rules.txt>" failed.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |   ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |   ---> Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<D:\Cosmoteer\Data\ships\terran\terran.txt>/Terran" failed.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |   ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |   ---> Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<D:\Cosmoteer\Standard Mods\Bloodcult\PrimalHunter\PrimalHunter.txt>/Part" failed.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |   ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |   ---> Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Type name 'MultiAmmoStorage' at path '<D:\Cosmoteer\Standard Mods\Bloodcult\PrimalHunter\PrimalHunter.txt>/Part/Components/AmmoPrereq/Type' is not a deserializable subclass of 'Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartComponentRules'.
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |     at Halfling.Serialization.Base.BaseSerializer`10.DerivedTypeDeserializationMethod.TryDeserialize(TSerializer s, TSource source, Type type, ReadFlags flags, ProgressTracker progressTracker, Object& obj)
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |     at Halfling.Serialization.Base.BaseSerializer`10.Read(TSource source, Type type, ReadFlags flags, ProgressTracker pt, Single weight, String sliceName, TIBaseDeserializer overrideSpecificDeserializer, IGenericDeserializer overrideGenericDeserializer, TIBaseContentDeserializer overrideSpecificContentDeserializer, IGenericContentDeserializer overrideGenericContentDeserializer)
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |     at Halfling.Serialization.Base.BaseSerializer`10.Read(TSource source, Type type, ReadFlags flags, ProgressTracker progressTracker)
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |     at Halfling.Serialization.Base.BaseSerializer`10.Read[T](TSource source, ReadFlags flags, ProgressTracker progressTracker)
06/17/2020 21:00:50  |     at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartRules..ctor(ObjectTextSerializer s, IOTNode node, ProgressTracker pt)

hope this is enough, if not, then just say so and i will pop the entire log file in here





    Drakador_Chaos changed the title to Bloodcult Reworked(V1.9.5) (WIP) (Compatible 0.15.7-10).

      Excellent. I can imagine pairing this with Galactic Allegiance and starting a full blown war between these two factions.

      ResExsention Considering how old the Bloodcult and the (now inexistant) R-UPA are, that war might've very well happened long ago. Tho I doubt the R-UPA would've bothered enough to waste their resources in that hellhole the center of the galaxy was at that time. Or, more of a deadzone, really.

        CursedPh4nt0m Here comes the Orion Alliance and the Terran Planets Federation though

        hee hee

        Excellent update nonetheless. Can't wait for the final reworks to be finished!

          I love it so much this is great

            One problem it’s not that big but the primal hunters are facing the wrong way

              Crazykippy08 I´ve already stated that in the mainpost, however, that won´t change, I/you will have to change it in the ships, because before the sprites and components have all been rotated and it´s easier to code as it is now.


                Super_Mapper When I feel like it.

                  a month later

                  why it says it is 0.15.7-10 if in the name of the zip it says 0.15.9 😡

                  Dumb Oh yes id see that ;_;

                    Because I won´t upload the same mod without changes every time there is an update that doesn´t crash it, just to change a version number on the zip.

                    Drakador_Chaos oh ok but ill try

                      Drakador_Chaos so ....

                      WHATS THAT

                      Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer\Data\rules.txt>" failed.

                      ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

                      ---> Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Deserialization from source "<C:\Program Files\Cosmoteer\Data\modes\bounty\bounty.txt>" failed.

                      ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

                      ---> Halfling.Serialization.DeserializeException: Unable to find source for non-optional field "FractionalSaleRefund" in source "<[user's home folder]\Documents\My Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\BloodCult(1.9.5)(0.15.3-9)\Bloodcult\mod.txt>/Actions/0/ManyToAdd/0".

                        Nagamer What game version are you using?

                          Drakador_Chaos Um... 0.15.10