The CM300 has proved quite effective in human trials. Now that the gas worked, the releasing apparatus was tested as well.
Since some of the women were artificially inseminated, others were also selected to try something else. A flash cloned fetus would be placed inside their uterus t speed up the birthing process. Other enhancements were made as well, so their bodies would be more able to take on the fetuses and give birth. After these procedures they were injected with CM400. It can be picked up in food, or be used in a gases state. it's purpose is to destroy the reproductive organs of whomever comes in contact with it after some time. Pregnant or expecting women will be unable to ever reproduce again as well as stopping the body from taking eggs. Later, it is given to younger and older male test subjects. Designed to destroy the testes. Stopping the production of sperm.
CM400 as well destabilizes the bodies recognition of eggs and sperm as well. Making test subjects unable to take an other's healthy eggs or sperm, if they were transplanted inside.