The representative does their own kind's throat-clearing noise, which is way weirder than the human one. He sets his hands behind his back, and motions them fowards to better highlight the main points of his speech.
His voice is soothing yet inhuman, his gaze is piercing and unsettling, though one can definetly see himself getting lost within the beautiful deep blue iris of the lizardmen:
"I am here representing two powers that yiern to help you.
The first, is The Embassy. A grounds for trading and politics, to make the voice of your people heard across the galaxy, and to interact with the rest of the galaxy. A gateway to the enrichment of your species, or the enrichment of others by you. I thoroughly recommend you sending a diplomatic envoy, any nation that takes itself seriously would not neglect it.
The second, is Galactic Lihr and Mhertz. A megacorporation based on the Musavian Interstellar Space Effort. Alike The Embassy, we wish to help you get into the galactic scene. We have experience in combatting great threats, and we know that for nations that have recently acquired into the galactic scene, the safety of a varied military arsenal can safeguard you from potential invaders that may think you are defenseless or inexperienced.
However, we don't just dwell in military assets, we also provide a wide range of civil use items, from house appliances to vehicles to civil and military construction.
We wish to set up Headquarters and redistribution centers here, and it'd be beneficial to both of us if a military weaponry deal was made. It'd be very economically fortunate for us, and very militarily and politically fortunate for you. That is the business I offer."