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I have made the Rebel Flagship from FTL: Faster Than Light Today.
It took me 2 hours on building and 4 hours on painting.
It will require the following mods: ABH, Bubble Shields, Extra Cannons, Small things and Pocket Dimension.
Pocket Dimension isn't on the forums yet (Atleast I don't think so) So you will have to ask from me in the Official Cosmoteer Discord server.
PS: My discord name is "Star" in the Cosmoteer Server, If you want to send a friend request here is my Discord tag and name: The Angriest Man You Will Ever C#1301
PSS: I won't me replying here much. If you want to ask something from me I recommend from Discord. I will be checking this post couple times a day but not that many times.

can you link me to the small things and pocket dimension mod or give mediafire link..?

Hello "Star"

    SamJam Pocket Dimension isnt on the forums yet. And you can find small things in mods section. To get Pocket Dimension you will have to ask it from me in the Official Discord servers.

    Hey Can i have the link for Pocket dimension heres my name "GDLC#4258" in discord if you want to add me and send me the link for it

      15 days later
      a month later

      Just... Holy.

      lol our ships almost look the same except yours is like a million times bigger and i really like it!


      5 days later
      • [deleted]


      Thanks! ○U○

      11 days later

      That big boy seems to be unbeatable.
      You are great at making huge ships.

      That_Angry_Man Just Amazing

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