The pod bordered on the precipice, and slowly, it got dragged inwards. Visualize the following image: Beneath it it skates right above a surface, as if the universe has been made plain into some kind of liquid and runs underneath it, extending to the sides endlessly and forward down into a singularity-like point, its image dragged out, warped beyond belief.
Above the pod, the golden hue of the storm and its clasping down, exerting pressure into the pod. The sole Narcrusian half-awakenly travels through the psychadelic-like view, as the two dycotomies draw closer and clash down onto the pod like relentless waves, enclosing it in excruciating vibrations. Before complete darkness to the Narcrusian hivemind, there is a momentary flash of a bizarre thing, a geometrical lattice of different planes, something like an alignment where the Narcrusian's gaze extends far and wide into the distance, almost unable to peer through the golden hue of the phenomena, however, still able to discern a characteristic merge, akin to a multidimensional singularity. Then, darkness.
The darkness is unwavering, extremely so to a true hivemind being like the Narcrus. Was it the first time it had been alone? Not like a newborn, though more like a fever dream, a man without any limbs or body, a sole mind floating within a imiscible liquid nothingness, its thoughts were like a dream, its memories simply an afterimage of a memory, like a distant deja-vu of a life it never lived, not one in fact, but many.
Forcefully ripped off from this state, this individual being awakens. it seems to be slumped over a white marble-like surface, sitting in a pool of its own drool. Its mind aches of memories that aren't theirs, but simultaneously are. Automatically, these are supressed and sent back, becoming distant afterthoughts, it's simply too much for its feeble mind to catalogue, comprehend, and process. However, the innateness of the "lizard-like" primal brain still remains, it retains figments of individuality, of primal needs, curiosity, motor functions, etc. An abstraction of its collective memory allows it to comprehend the world around him, though not as if it was his rememberance, rather a distance memory, a deja-vu.
Slumping his body upwards almost automatically, he sees two other things, on the left, there is a "door", supposedly, it "slides" to open, a small sliver of it already opens up to what seems to be a "corridor". On the right, a large "Window" displays the scenery outside, large incomprehensible -due to his lack of memory- landscapes, though even his primal, recently born though tested mind recognizes that something is wrong with the external shown.