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Banshee: A Small Fighter Capable of Space flight, but more efficient in atmosphere. Has 2 Light Plasma Cannons, and 1 Heavy Plasma Cannon on the Front of the Craft.

Banshee Ultra: An Upgraded Banshee, With Better Thrusters, Armor, and Weaponry. Has Plasma Torpedoes, and One Advanced Heavy Plasma Cannon.

Seraph: A Mainline Fighter, Equipped with 1 Fighter-Grade Plasma Torpedo, One Light Plasma Lance and 2 Anti-Missile Coilguns.

Ultra: An Improved Seraph with Better Armor, Thrust, and Weapons. Has 2 Heavy Plasma Cannons, 1 Overcharged Plasma Cannon, 4 Light Plasma Cannons, 2 Heavy Coil guns, and 2 Light Coil guns.

Spirit (Made by @G4L4XY, Modified By me): A Light Dropship able to carry one squad, capable of assisting the squad and protecting them from fire while they are dropping. Has one Plasma Torpedo.
Ultra: Improved Armor, Weapons, and Thrusters, Has 1 Heavy Coilgun

Vampire (Made by @TheSwedishToamto, Modified by me.): A Gunship Designed For Anti-Fighter Roles. Has 1 Plasma Lance Turret, 2 Light Plasma Lances, and 4 Light Coilguns.

Ultra: Upgraded Thrusters, Armor, and Weapons, Has 2 Plasma Lance Turrets, 4 Light Plasma Cannons, 4 Light Coilguns, and 2 Overcharged Plasma Cannons.

Shield: Heavily Upgraded Armor, at the Cost of a Massive Speed Reduction. has Tons of Coilguns to Shoot Down Missiles and Projectiles, as well as fighters. Great For Defending Stations and Slow Capital Ships.

Heavy: High Burst Damage In exchange for No Close Range DPS. Equip With 1 Light MAC Turret, and 4 Light Coilguns.

Temple: Sacrifices Armor and Range In Exchange for Blistering Speed and High Close Range DPS. has 2 Medium Coilgun Turrets, 1 Chin Mounted Rotary Cannon, and 4 Light Coilguns.

Phantom: A Heavy Gunship/Troop Transport Hybrid Perfect for supporting Small Squads against larger Forces, with it's Multiple Plasma Topedo Launchers, Singular Machine Gun, and a Heavy Plasma Mortar on The Bottom of the craft near it's cockpit.

Lich: A Powerful Dropship/Gunship Hybrid With 6 Plasma Torpedoes, 2 Overcharged Plasma Cannons, and 4 Ultralight Plasma Lance Turrets. Can Carry 10 Standard Covenant Squads with 6 Soldiers, 1 Squad Leader, and One Lek'Golo Hunter Colony.

Ultra: an Upgrade to Weapons, Armor, and Engines, This Variant comes with 2 Triple Plasma Cannons, 4 Plasma Torpedoes, 2 Deconstruction Drone Launchers, 1 Overcharged Plasma Cannon, and 1 Heavy Coil Gun.

KTL Class Destroyer: A Modification of the Old Covenant HFS Lancer, Adapted to be a Better ship in general

Minotaur Class Frigate: (Hull given to me Ages ago by @TheSwedishToamto, Painted by @KrankysFirebrand48, and made fully Functional By me.) a Heavy Frigate Designed to Take out Equally Sized Or smaller vessels, and when in a Fleet of 3-4, it can easily outgun Most Larger ships.

SDV Class Heavy Corvette: This Corvette is More Suited to Ground Invasions Than it is Space Combat, but it still works.
It has 1 Ultra-Heavy Coil-Cannon, 2 Heavy Coil Cannons, 22 Medium Plasma Cannons, 8 Heavy Coil Guns, and 6 Underside Plasma Mortars Reserved for Planetary Bombardment.

Ultra: Improves all Systems, has 1 Triple Ultra-Heavy Coil Cannon, 2 Rocket Pods, 13 Burst Coil Guns, 2 Rapid-Fire Coil Cannons, 2 Overcharged Heavy Plasma Turrets, 4 Heavy Plasma Turrets, 2 Heavy Anti-matter Decompression Cannons, and 8 Plasma Mortars Reserved for Planetary Bombardment on Its Underbelly.

Shield: Improves Armor heavily, At the Cost of Most of Its Movement Speed, making it Very Hard to Kill, but Hard for it to Move, it uses 34 Medium Coil Guns for Anti-Fighter and Missile/Projectiles. Amazing for defending Starbases, or Acting as a Point-Defense Platform.

Temple: Sacrifices Virtually All Armor For Speed. Very Good For blockade Running. Has 1 Plasma Railgun, 32 Coil Guns, 3 Flak Cannons, and 4 Plasma Mortars Reserved For Orbital Bombardment on its Underside.

Heavy: Sacrifices most Close Range Damage Potential for Long Ranged DPS. Has 1 Triple Ultra-Heavy Coil cannon, 1 Ultra-heavy Plasma Railgun, 6 Overcharged Heavy Plasma Cannons, 10 Coil Guns, and 12 Plasma Mortars Reserved for Orbital Bombardment on Its Underside.

KTC Class Destroyer:
The Replacement to the Comparativley Weak SDV Class Frigate, this Ship sports a total of 11 Plasma Lancers, 4 on each side, mounted on a Turret able to rotate roughly 190* Around, and one Triple Lancer on a Turret near the front of the craft, that can turn 270*. It also has 6 Heavy IONs, Multiple Light Cannons, and Over 30 Light Plasma Cannons.

KPD Class Fleet Defense Frigate:A Modified Minotaur Frigate, Removing the Main Weapons, and replacing them with hundreds of Light Machine guns and Light Plasma Cannons, perfect for shooting down missiles, Fighters, and Gunships alike.

KTT Class Heavy Destroyer: This Ship is a Much more powerful ship then the KTC Class, but is Much more Expensive. Armed with Cannons and Smaller Heavy Machine Guns, this Ship is Very dangerous.

CSA Class Light Cruiser: The Covenant's Mainline Heavy Cruiser, It can Carry Hundreds of Fighters, Dropships, Vehicles and Troops at a time. Has Many Weapons, including Plasma Lancers, A Single Heavy Excavation beam at the bottom of the Ship, ION Cannons, Heavy Plasma Cannons, 2 Dual Superheavy Projectile Cannons, Hundreds of Small Anti-Fighter/Projectile Plasma Cannons, and multiple PD Machine Guns.

The Solseer: [Classified Information]

Vetu-Ava: A Light Scout/Spy With Incredible speed, and an Experimental Cloaking device. Very Few exist as of now.

Revenant: A Fighter With thick Armor Plating and a Strong shield, Equipped with 14 Light ION Cannons, and one Machine Gun, It has a Slower Top-Speed, and is usually used for chasing down bombers or other slower Small craft, and eliminating their shields. The ION Cannons used are modified to do Medium Damage to physical parts, allowing it to be used To Kill bombers as well as take their shields down.

Vulcan: A Large Fighter-Bomber With 9 Rapid-Fire Plasma Machine Guns, and one Rocket pod. Versatile Craft able to chase other fighters, take down bombers, or deal damage to larger crafts like corvettes, destroyers, or Gunships/Dropships.

Spectre: An Unorthodox Craft with A Unique Shape within the Norms of the covenant's other ships, This Ship Is Very small and Lightly armored, but packs a punch against Larger craft like Frigates and Corvettes, and can easily take down fighters and Gunships. Armed with 7 Light Plasma railguns, and 6 Turret Mounted HMG's. The Ship is Quite cheap, and works best in 'Packs' of 5-6 ships, and usually has an escort of a handful of banshees to Deter Fighters.

looks great

6 days later
  • Edited

Major Update

Added New Ships, Added New Descriptions and Fixed Ships.

    Added KTT Class

      a year later

      New and Revamped ships in the Works!

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      why you Nec.... wait

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      Jared This is My domain, I can necropost here if i so Wish

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      added Ship Variants, more to Come Soon, when i get more time Tommorrow, will eventually Revamp and Make Variants of Every Ships Currently Here.

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