This may look small, but don't underestimate its power!
Powerful Ships(Show me your most OP ships!)
It has a ton of mods too
REvenger you want op?
Get ABH photon torpedoes, spam them. Then a ton of ABH armour. Internal ABH thrusters, blue balls of death roof turret spam, bubble shield spam and the automation mod for power and you got your op ship
I used interior missile bays
How about this
Uses ABH warhammer 40k Star wars TTE armoury OOFFFF
- Edited
This is why i created that ship on the orginal post
This is the Wrangle, it's just a named and colored version of my Falcon Class Carrier
Here is a basic carrier
You'll need krooms forge for this
and all the other previously listed mods
REvenger 0/10 no photon torpedoes
Time to break the mold and post a Vanilla ship.
an almost vanilla ship
All of these ships are fodder....
KrankysFirebrand48 Fine
I'll build one with photon torps
question can you beat this fighter?
question @REvenger dafeeeeeeeeeesh can you beat this mess? it costs NEGATIVE
damn time to mess with some code....
SHHHH don't tell anyone
HINT: It has proton torps