powerguy9876 As damkiller likely wanted to express, you would do yourself and the rest of us quite a favor by checking the guide section for some ship design/building guides or giving the Building Academy/whichever-mp-clan-still-exists a visit.
your biggest ship?
powerguy9876 Yea I'll totally be surprised by my unfinished ship.
It may not be the Space battleship Yamato, but it was certainly inspired by it.
May I present to you SB Yamato 40k version.
And the Mk II OP version...
this old boi
i have built larger but i took a huge break waiting for the game to be less laggy and lost all my ships.
so i just downloaded the biggest one ive posted on here
oh i just realized this was broght back from the dead earlyer you might want to stop posting lmao necro-posting
Do asteroid ships count?
Cuz this.
Minty_Kee2 Well I wouldn't really call that a ship. It's just a square asteroid
MadStar , but....
Minty_Kee2 It calls it an asteroid.
MadStar , try making a new ship.
Minty_Kee2 also please send less than 50 messages trying to make a single sentence
MadStar , screw it. This is a lost cause.
Minty_Kee2 Seems the Master Founder lost his cool
This tiny capture of my battleship, cause im at school and stole it off one of my screenshots
I have massive rectangle (the cost of 182 million)
and another ships